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Corn Dog Nuggets

Corn Dog Nuggets

Corn Dog Nuggets
  • 5 hot dogs
  • 1 can crescent rolls
  • ketchup and mustard for dipping
  1. Begin by preheating you oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Slice your hot dogs into thin pieces (ours were about half inch each). Set aside.
  3. Roll out your crescent dough and press the seams together.
  4. Cut into 8 strips. Then cut lengthwise into 8 more strips. You should end up with 64 1.5 inch x .5 inch pieces.
  5. Wrap the hot dogs in the crescent pieces and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.
  6. Bake for 8 to 9 minutes. Serve warm. ENJOY!

Corn Dog Nuggets - it's the family's new favorite recipe! It's simple, delicious and is perfect for lunch, dinner or even a party!

Here is a better shot to show you how we cut the crescent dough…
Corn Dog Nuggets - it's the family's new favorite recipe! It's simple, delicious and is perfect for lunch, dinner or even a party!

You can see that the seams are still visible but pushed together.

Corn Dog Nuggets - it's the family's new favorite recipe! It's simple, delicious and is perfect for lunch, dinner or even a party!
Cut into 8 strips.
Corn Dog Nuggets - it's the family's new favorite recipe! It's simple, delicious and is perfect for lunch, dinner or even a party!
Corn Dog Nuggets - it's the family's new favorite recipe! It's simple, delicious and is perfect for lunch, dinner or even a party!

Corn Dog Nuggets - it's the family's new favorite recipe! It's simple, delicious and is perfect for lunch, dinner or even a party!
Wrap each piece of crescent dough around the hot dog pieces and press to seal. Bake for 8 to 9 minutes.

Corn Dog Nuggets - it's the family's new favorite recipe! It's simple, delicious and is perfect for lunch, dinner or even a party!
These guys are so yummy and easy to make, which means I’m SURE we’ll be making them more often. 😉
If your kids love nuggets and corn dogs, then they’ll love these Corn Dog Nuggets. And SCORE for finding another simple recipe everyone loves, right?!

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